Yes, I try to lose fat, for this, I changed my diet and try to stay away from the unhealthy snacks I love (but I don’t close them out completely). And I do my workout (It’ll be another post).

I fought with the concept of salads for a long time, ‘why would I eat this bitter, sour, awful sh*t’ It was unenjoyable for me. The typical salads are still banned from my mind. I still don’t like the dry green with shredded carrots.

In the Mediterranean world and especially in one recipe blog I found my way from this boring solution (no problem if you like those salads)


My cooking method after I have a full civil job, then I try to write and manage all my social media alone, I need a little prework for my week. Usually, I cook and prepare my next week’s food on Friday. I make one btw usually surprisingly budget-friendly salad, I eat meat only on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, on the other days I eat fish with Hungarian cottage cheese (túró, google it because I would refuse this translation) as protein.

Yes, one salad for a whole week…How do I do not bore my food on the fourth, fifth or even seventh day?
I use extras
On the link, you will see a recipe.
On Monday I ate steamed fish with the basic salad
On Tuesday with shrimp
On Wednesday I put a little cilantro/coriander in it, this way I changed the taste a little bit
On Thursday, a small can of tuna with the cilantro variant
On Friday (today) I added a little corn, and I ate with chicken.

Planning and preparing can help to stick to a healthy diet.

A little bit about the diet— For me the definition of the diet: A long-term planned meal plan.

I do not support the unsustainable diet culture (almond moms etc.) Eat everything but with measurements. The balance of the plate is important. Cliché but true.